• BARNYARD ANIMALS: Come out to visit our GOATS, Dawson & Willy, Thelma & Louise, and all our CHICKENS!
  • FARM FRESH EGGS: Pick up some farm fresh eggs – there is nothing  better! We love our Hens! The ladies lay farm fresh eggs daily.
  • LOCAL HONEY: Our LOCAL HONEY comes right from our HIVES which are uniquely placed in between our vegetable garden and apple trees.  This enables our honey bees not only to pollinate our produce, but also, create wonderful flavors in our honey.  You will notice the difference in our light spring blossom honey to our clover & golden rod darker fall honey. Our bee keeper, Dave Meyer, takes extra care to never pasteurize our honey, it comes straight from the hives, is strained, then bottled!  They say at least a teaspoon a day of local honey (within your county) for your natural “well-being.”  Come on out to try some!