35 events found.
Kids' Craft Class: Paint a Birdhouse Paint a lively decorated birdhouse to brighten up your garden throughout the whole year. All supplies included Sunday, June 1, 2025 11am-1pm DROP IN ...
🪴 Kids' Craft Class: Paint a Pot & Plant a VeggieEnhance your outdoor living space with a brightly decorated terra cotta pot, painted by you! You will also have the ...
Every 3rd Sunday during the months of May thru October at Bronkberry Farms, vendors from the Chicagoland area and beyond come to showcase, share, and sell their unique products to the community! Come see ...
NATIONAL EAT YOUR VEGETABLES DAY | JUNE 17National Eat Your Vegetables Day on June 17th falls in the middle of National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month. Today's celebration is one ...
Kids' Craft Class: Red, White, & Blue Star Hanger Come & create red, white, and blue star hangers for the holiday! We will be painting popsicle sticks either red or ...
🧚 Craft Class: Fairy Garden -- All ages welcome! Using a succulent, fairy garden decor, and the whimsy of moss, pebbles, sand, other natural elements, and IMAGINATION each participant will ...