35 events found.
🧚 Craft Class: Fairy Garden -- All ages welcome! Using a succulent, fairy garden decor, and the whimsy of moss, pebbles, sand, other natural elements, and IMAGINATION each participant will ...
🏮 Kids' Craft Class: Mason Jar Fall LuminaryCreate some fun fall lighting for your home or yard! We will be using foam brushes to paint mod podge onto a glass ...
Every 3rd Sunday during the months of May thru October at Bronkberry Farms, vendors from the Chicagoland area and beyond come to showcase, share, and sell their unique products to the community! Come see ...
All Ages Craft Class: Paint a PumpkinJoin us at our annual FALL FEST for a pumpkin painting class! We supply the pumpkins and paint, you bring the creativity.Saturday, October 11, ...
Every 3rd Sunday during the months of May thru October at Bronkberry Farms, vendors from the Chicagoland area and beyond come to showcase, share, and sell their unique products to the community! Come see ...
All Ages Craft Class: Paint a PumpkinJoin us at our annual FALL FEST for a pumpkin painting class! We supply the pumpkins and paint, you bring the creativity.Sunday, October 12, ...
Every 3rd Sunday during the months of May thru October at Bronkberry Farms, vendors from the Chicagoland area and beyond come to showcase, share, and sell their unique products to the community! Come see ...
🧛 Kids' Craft Class: Spooky Felt Board MonstersWe will be creating felt monster faces out of felt, just in time for Halloween!Sunday, October 26, 202511am-1pm DROP IN when it’s convenient ...